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Manila, Philippines


BA Social Sciences (Area Studies), University of the Philippines Manila

Intended Area of Interest

International Political Economy & Security

Career Area of Interest

After completing the Master of Global Affairs program, I plan to pursue a PhD in International Relations, with a focus on enhancing the Philippines' foreign and defense policies. My long-term goal is to contribute to the formulation of a strategic, forward-thinking foreign policy framework that strengthens the Philippines' position in regional and global security affairs, particularly in relation to the Indo-Pacific region.

By conducting in-depth research on defense strategies, international security cooperation, and economic diplomacy, I aim to provide actionable insights that will help the Philippines address emerging geopolitical threats, secure its maritime interests, and establish stronger defense partnerships with key allies. Ultimately, I seek to become a catalyst in positioning the Philippines as a proactive leader in regional security and a dynamic, competitive economy that is fully integrated into the global economic system.