Admissions FAQS

Your Questions, Answered

Applying to the Master in Global Affairs program at Rice University? Explore our frequently asked questions to find answers to common questions about admissions requirements, deadlines, and more. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, our admissions team is here to help. For more information, please contact Ms. Abbey Godley (

What is Rice looking for in an applicant?

The Master of Global Affairs will evaluate all applicants holistically. There is no “magic formula” for the type of student who will excel in this program. We are looking for students who come from a variety of different academic and professional backgrounds and students who are intrinsically motivated to pursue in-depth studies in the field of international policy and global affairs.

What is the application deadline?

The deadline for Early Decision applications is December 15th. Regular Decision applications are due February 15th. We aim to remit application decisions within two weeks of each application close date.

What is required for application?

Applicants must submit a statement of purpose, professional resume, official transcripts, three letters of recommendation, and a completed online application form. If a student does not speak English as a first language, TOEFL scores must be submitted.

Is there an application fee?

Yes. The application fee is $85.

Do you require an interview?

No interview is required as part of the admissions process.

Is there a minimum GPA that I must have?

Yes, all applicants must have a minimum 3.0 GPA.

Are GRE or GMAT scores required for admission?

GRE scores are recommended, but not required. Students with superior quantitative skills as evidenced by prior coursework or relevant work experience do not need to submit GRE scores. (Rice GRE code: 6609)

Is there a minimum TOEFL score that I must have?

Applicants whose native language is not English must take the TOEFL test and score at least 600 on the paper-based TOEFL or score at least 90 on the computer-based TOEFL. For students who choose to take the IELTS in lieu of TOEFL, the minimum score is 7.

What should I include in my statement of purpose?

Your statement of purpose should be 1-2 pages single-spaced and should introduce your interests and motivations in the MGA program; summarize previous or current academic and professional experiences; elaborate on your academic interests in our program and discuss your future goals.

Who should prepare the letters of recommendation?

Recommendations should be prepared by people who can attest to your quantitative abilities, ambition, and/or leadership skills. These people may be former professors, academic advisors, employers, etc.

Is financial aid available?

Rice does not offer financial aid for this program, so please answer "No" to question 14 on the application, “Will you be requesting financial aid from Rice?” For information on non-Rice sources of financial assistance, visit the Tuition & Aid page.